Sou Fujimoto Serpentine Pavilion Sou Fujimoto Parisian Art Fair

Sou Fujimoto Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Sou Fujimoto Chosen to Design Liget Budapest'south Business firm of Hungarian Music

Sou Fujimoto Architects has been announced equally ane of iii practices chosen to design buildings for the Liget Budapest projection, i of Europe's largest museum developments. Selected through an anonymous competition process, the Japanese business firm will realize an undulating House of Hungarian Music that was "inspired by audio waves." Its distinctive perforated "smart roof" will bladder on acme an airy glass-walled interior illuminated by the awning's lightwells.

French practise Vallet de Martinis DIID Architectes was also called to construct a striated Museum of Ethnography, while Hungarian firm Középülettervező Zrt will realize the cuboidal PhotoMuseum Budapest and Museum of Hungarian Architecture.

All three projects will be built in Városliget, the city's largest park, by 2018. Proceed after break to view images of each.

© Sou Fujimoto Architects, Courtesy of Liget Budapest © Sou Fujimoto Architects, Courtesy of Liget Budapest © Középülettervező Zrt., Courtesy of Liget Budapest © Vallet de Martinis DIID Architectes, Courtesy of Liget Budapest + 26

Sou Fujimoto Constructs Inhabitable Nomadic Structure for Parisian Art Fair

Over the weekend, Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto exhibited an inhabitable sculpture of stacked and suspended aluminum cubes as role of the FIAC art off-white in the Parisian Jardins des Tuileries' gardens. The installation, "Many Small Cubes" is his get-go project in Paris and was commissioned by the Philippe Gravier art gallery as an exploration of nomadic structures and Sou Fujimoto'south concept of bringing architecture closer to nature.

"The floating masses of Many Pocket-sized Cubes creates a new experience of space, a rhythm of flickering shadows and lights like the sun filtering through leafy trees," described Sou Fujimoto.

Earth Famous Architects Design Omnibus Stops for Tiny Austrian Village

Krumbach, a small Austrian village of 1000 inhabitants, is non the place you'd look to find structures from a diverseness of architecture's biggest names. Simply thanks to Verein Kultur Krumbach, a new association dedicated to encouraging culture in the hamlet, that's exactly what's happening, with vii international architecture firms agreeing to design motorbus stops for Krumbach.

Read afterwards the interruption to discover out more than almost the seven designs.

Sou Fujimoto Designs New Wing for Germany's Kunsthalle Bielefeld

Sou Fujimoto has unveiled three design proposals for an extension to Philip Johnson's Kunsthalle Bielefeld in Germany. Since its completion in 1968, the museum has built a reputation for hosting temporary exhibitions. However, with the construction of the new fly, Kunsthalle Bielefeld will expand their services to accommodate a contemporary art gallery.

Read on to review Sou Fujimoto'southward three proposals...

UVA Transforms Sou Fujimoto'southward Serpentine Pavilion with "Electric Storm" of LEDs

London-based United Visual Artists (UVA) has brought Sou Fujimoto's "cloud-like" Serpentine Pavilion to life with an "electrical storm" of LEDs. With the intention of making the architecture "breathe" from within, UVA seamlessly integrated a network of LED lights into the latticed, 20mm steel pole structure that mimics the natural forms of an electric storm. In addition, advisedly conducted auditory furnishings farther enhance the experience, transforming Fujimoto's "radical pavilion" into an electrified geometric cloud.

Fujimoto's Serpentine Pavilion Through the Lens of James Aiken

Dazzling viewers with its "tron-like landscape of space white," as described by Guardian critic Oliver Wainwright, Sou Fujimoto's Serpentine Pavilion in Hyde Park is arguably "ane of the near radical pavilions to date." The 350 square-meter latticed structure melts into its surrounding by fusing together the man-made and natural world, creating a lush, semi-transparent terrain that hosts terraces of seating, steps and side tables that complement its interior coffee bar (view more images here).

This video was provided by movie maker James Aiken.

Fujimoto's Serpentine Pavilion Receives High Praise from Critics

With the opening of his deject-similar gridded structure in Hyde Park last week, Sou Fujimoto became the youngest architect in the pantheon of Serpentine Gallery Pavilion designers. The pavilion is an annual commission for a temporary construction, always given to a well known architect who is notwithstanding to build in the UK. In previous years the commission has been awarded to Herzog & de Meuron with Ai Weiwei (2012), Peter Zumthor (2011), Jean Nouvel (2010), SANAA (2009), stretching back to the original pavilion designed by Zaha Hadid in 2000.

With such a prolific history of star designers over the by 13 years, Fujimoto's ethereal design has a lot to alive up to. But despite these loftier expectations, compages critics have been gushing over the new design. See a full round-up of opinions later on the break...

2013 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion / Sou Fujimoto

Sou Fujimoto's 2013 Serpentine Pavilion, now consummate and continuing on the front end backyard of London's Serpentine Gallery, has opened to the press and nosotros are at present able to come across Iwan Baan's photographs of the temporary pavilion. Fujimoto will be lecturing to a sold out crowd this coming Sat (June 8th) when the pavilion opens to the general public. The semi-transparent, multi-purpose social space will be on view until October 20th.

Fujimoto (age 41) is the youngest architect to accept the Serpentine Gallery's invitation, joining the ranks of Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei (2012), Peter Zumthor (2011), Jean Nouvel (2010), SANAA (2009), and more than. He described his Serpentine projection equally " architectural mural: a transparent terrain that encourages people to interact with and explore the site in diverse ways. Within the pastoral context of Kensington Gardens, I envisage the brilliant greenery of the surrounding institute life woven together with a constructed geometry. A new form of surround will be created, where the natural and the man-made merge; not solely architectural nor solely natural, but a unique meeting of the two."

The Guardian has posted both print and video reviews by Oliver Wainwright.

More images by Iwan Baan subsequently the break. See also In Progress: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion / Sou Fujimoto.

In Progress: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion / Sou Fujimoto

Sou Fujimoto'south contribution for the 13th edition of the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion is outset to take shape, as the "geometric, deject-similar form" has slowly made its way towards the height of the trees in the rustic mural of the Kensington Gardens in London. Upon its completion in June, the 350 foursquare-meter latticed structure will fuse together the human being-made and natural world, creating a lush, semi-transparent terrain that will host a series of flexible social spaces and a vibrant collection of constitute life.

More images by London photographer Laurence Mackman after the break.

© Laurence Mackman © Laurence Mackman © Laurence Mackman © Laurence Mackman + xiv

Ochoalcubo: Japan + Chile

In Chile, a very special project is being developed.

Eduardo Godoy, a design impresario who started his business organization in Chile in the '80s, has e'er been an advocate for design and architecture in the land. In Chile, more forty schools of architecture take flooded the market, simply the always-growing number of professionals has had a relatively small impact on Chilean cities. Seeing the most infinite landscape of cookie-cutter housing in the suburbs, Godoy asked himself: why non suspension this model into smaller pieces, each designed by a detail architect, each an opportunity for a young professional? With this in listen, and to foster the appreciation for architects, Eduardo and his team at Interdesign started a project chosen "Ochoalcubo" (8-Cubed). His original idea was to make eight projects, with 8 buildings designed each past 8 architects, to create developments where the singularity of each piece was central, in lodge to demonstrate how the individuality of the architect could issue in good architecture.

The Fujimoto Experiment: Five Students, Five Days, One Model

Terminal calendar week an online call was put out by Rome'south MAXXI museum promising the start five compages students to answer a chance to travel to Rome and build a model of Sou Fujimoto's latest project. The five selected entrants started on their work at MAXXI on Monday and their experience is being broadcast over the course of this week in a series of photos and videos detailing the ups, downs, opinions and thoughts of the students as they piece of work.

Read more well-nigh the model and exhibition later on the interruption...

Sou Fujimoto to blueprint the 2013 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion

Today, the Serpentine Gallery announced the architect that will design the 13th edition of the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. Every year the gallery invites a renowned international architects who take not built yet in the UK, to pattern a temporary pavilion that hosts public activities in at the Gallery's lawn, in London'due south Hyde Park betwixt June and October. The list of architects for the by editions includes several Pritzker laureates. More info of this programme at our Serpentine Gallery Pavilion infographic.

Beton Hala Waterfront Center / Sou Fujimoto Architects

© Sou Fujimoto Architects
© Sou Fujimoto Architects

Sou Fujimoto Architects have shared with us their first place proposal for the Beton Hala Waterfront Centre in Belgrade, Serbia. Contrasting the medieval material of the capital city, Sou Fujimoto'south "floating cloud" intertwines an array of social and transportation programs into an organized tangle of suspended ramps that emerge from the static platform of the Beton Hala. Information technology was lauded past the jury to be a "dauntless proposal" that holds the "highest emblematic potential amid all of Beton Hala entries".

Learn more afterward the break.

Advert Interviews: The Japan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale / Toyo Ito, Akihisa Hirata, Sou Fujimoto

During the opening of the Venice Biennale, nosotros had the hazard to sit down and talk with the curator and participants of the Japan Pavilion, awarded with the Golden King of beasts.

In the following videos you can see Toyo Ito, curator of "Architecture. Possible Here? Home-for-all", along with collaborators Akihisa Hirata and Sou Fujimoto, discussing what Architecture means to them, the office of architects in our lodge, and how they approached the Biennale's theme "Common Ground" on this item exhibition, which reunites Japanese architects and an architectural photographer collaborating on the design of houses for those affected past the 2011 tsunami.

We thank the Nippon Foundation for this interview.

Akihisa Hirata and Sou Fujimoto videos subsequently the break:

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